Community 18/January/2023 Fraud in E-commerces – Brazilian Perspective The success of e-commerces in Brazil is unquestionable and, of course, carries the same burden of fraud growth. In 2021, for example, there was a loss of more than BRL 7 billion related to fraud attempts, an increase of 100% compared to the previous year
Community 13/July/2020 Cybersecurity in Healthcare in the midst of crisis COVID-19 Series: Key Topics to Combat Cyberattacks Taking Place in Hospitals During the Pandemic
Community 09/April/2020 Bringing Zoom Safety into Perspective COVID-19 series: an analysis of the latest incidents involving the security of the product
Community 18/January/2023 Fraud in E-commerces – Brazilian Perspective The success of e-commerces in Brazil is unquestionable and, of course, carries the same burden of fraud growth. In 2021, for example, there was a loss of more than BRL 7 billion related to fraud attempts, an increase of 100% compared to the previous year
Community 13/July/2020 Cybersecurity in Healthcare in the midst of crisis COVID-19 Series: Key Topics to Combat Cyberattacks Taking Place in Hospitals During the Pandemic
Community 09/April/2020 Bringing Zoom Safety into Perspective COVID-19 series: an analysis of the latest incidents involving the security of the product